Sunday, April 21, 2013

I'm not having a good time. Writing is hard, you know. 

I felt like my novel was snowballing. I had a plan. I knew what I was doing but I was struggling to get there, which gave me serious writers block. So, I sat down, I did a new plan, chapter by chapter and I think I'm now going in the right direction. I hope I am.
But I still have a small case of writer's block! I'm trying to work through it, but keep getting distracted with writing for the second book instead of finishing the first. BAD ABBIE. I need to stop doing that because I'll never finish my book if I don't force myself.

I'm also struggling because apparently I no longer have a job. I mean, my boss hasn't told me that, he's just disappeared. Literally. The content manager I use went down a few weeks ago, I let my boss know, but didn't hear back. Since then, all of the websites I write for have gone down. I'm assuming the company has gone down... but I've not actually been told. It's a little awkward but it's given me motivation to really get my book finished. I have time between now and finding a new job, so it's go, go, go time! 

After rehauling my plan, I've crossed out several scenes, added in scenes and need to rewrite several more, so my word count has plummeted. Boohoo. But it's fine. At least it is going somewhere now!

Okay, I should get back to writing. 

Progress so far for 'Untilted', my nameless project (I suck so bad at titles. Cannot. Think.): 60,128 words

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