Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ever since I was a little tiny tod, I've been a little bit obsessed with writing. All the way through school, when asked, "what do you want to be when you're older?" I would reply, well, amongst all the many, many careers I fancied, from vet to Blue Peter presenter, to teacher, to lawyer, besides all of those, one career remained solid, "an author. I want to write and illustrate my own books," I would say.

And now, at twenty-four years old (it was my birthday a few days ago and I feel ancient. Please, commiserations. I need sympathy as I'm almost half way through  my twenties. What is going on? What am I doing with my life? Okay, I'm going to stop right there before I fall into a downward spiral of self pity). What was I saying? Oh yes, at twenty-four years old, writing it still at the forefront of my life and I fully intend to become a published author.

I am currently in the process of seriously writing my first novel. I'm working hard to pen a first draft. That's my main goal right now and I've decided to start noting my journey on this here, my blog. It's mostly a way to see how I'm doing. Whether I'm reaching my goals. What I need to do. All that jazz.

So, here we are, the first blog post on my novel writing adventure. 

Progress so far for 'Untilted', my nameless project (I suck so bad at titles. Cannot. Think.): 78, 434 words.

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