Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Title: Unearthly Trilogy (Specifically Boundless)
Author: Cynthia Hand
Publisher: Harper Teen
Language: English
Rating: 3/5

I waited a long time for Boundless. 

And then the release date came around. 

And it wasn't available in the UK. What the actual F? I went to download it to my kindle and it wasn't in the amazon store. After my rage subsided, I moved on with my life. Thankfully, I check again the other day and there it was. So I bought it. I read it. 

Here's what I think.

(Right now, I'm staring at the screen, pulling 'hmm' faces and not quite sure how to put that into words).

I... um... okay. As a whole, I liked the series. I've read a few 'spawn of angel' themed books and this one wasn't half bad. I liked Cynthia Hand's take on it. There was plenty going on. I liked the characters. 

There was the dreaded love triangle. Of course. It's YA. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. I think Hand actually did it quite well (until the end, but I'll get to that rant in a moment). The entire way through the series, it was obvious where Clara's heart really laid. I never questioned it. But I do have my issues with it. Bear with me, I'll get to that.

The story was strong in all three of the books and as a series, it carried well. Although, by the time Boundless came out, I had kind of forgotten what had happened in the previous two and spent the first part of the book kind of confused. I remembered things as I made my way through the book, but I kept having "wait, when did we find out that?" moments. It can't be helped when there is a gap between books, but sometimes a little reminder strategically placed into the text is a good move for people like me, with the world's worst memory.

The characters were well developed and likely. For the most part. I liked Tucker. I loved liked Christian. I liked Clara... until Boundless. I don't know why that changed things for me, but several times, I was like :o bitch! Angela's role turned out to be pretty damn huge. I even started to warm to Sam as the series went on. You start to understand him a lot more. New bad guys are introduced in Boundless. And they're you know, all bad. Could have been way more bad arse, but they sufficed  They were adequate as villains go.

(Don't read on if you haven't read Boundless and don't want things spoiled! 
You have been warned.)

I'm going to admit, I've always been team Christian. Since the beginning. But I also came to terms pretty early on that Clara and Tucker were end game, as it were. I knew that they would end up together. 

And yet...

I couldn't stop getting annoyed! And the end has specifically caused me book rage. Clara loved Tucker. He was her choice. Christian was her fate blah blah blah. Yeah, I get that. I accept that. But Christian deserved a better end than that. Come on Cynthia Hand. I am most upset with you.

I'm probably biased because Christian was my favourite character, but he's your character Cynthia and as you are the one who made me love said character, it was your duty to give him a just end. And you didn't.

Throughout the series, Christian is always at Clara's side. Through everything. I know there are reasons as to why Tucker isn't. Whatever. I don't care. It's not the point. A running theme is "but it's because you have to be. It's because it's fate. It's because we're connected". In Boundless, Christian literally tells her it isn't just that. He puts his heart on the line. Even when he knows Clara is still lusting after Tucker. He comes back to her every single time she stomps all over him. He stays by her. He does whatever she needs him to do. Helps her in every way he can, even when he doesn't want to or doesn't agree. 

And what does he get for it? 

Um, he kind of loses everyone he loves and ends up alone. What kind of an end is that?! I know he has Angela and little Web, but he deserved a better ending. I knew he wouldn't get Clara, but I thought that he might at least get a better ending than having to leave because she chose Tucker and he didn't know what else to do.

The character didn't get what he deserved. And that is one thing that always bugs me in writing. If anyone deserved a happy ending, it was that character. 

One other small issue I had with the book was the whole purpose stuff. We went almost three books believing that the purpose was super important and they had to fullfil these purposes because that's what life was all about. And then right at the end, it's suddenly like, oh, actually, the visions are just possibilities. At the end of the day, the decision is yours. Err. What? So, what you're telling me is, the purposes are kind of... not even important. Awesome.

Those issues aside, it is a good series. I was never bored. I laughed. I was angry. I was sad. I enjoyed the writing style and as a whole, I liked the story, even if I hated had issues with the ending. 

As the supernatural, YA genre goes, this is one of the good series and it's worth a read for sure!

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