Sunday, October 18, 2015


Defined as the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes, there is really no reason why anyone would not consider themselves a feminist, be it man or woman.

It seems absurd that in the twenty first century, this is something we are still fighting for. That women are still being paid less than men for the same role, that women are still the lesser sex, the weaker sex. 

The other day I was browsing online and came across an article titled '10 Things that Men Don't Find Attractive'. Out of intrigue, I clicked.

It went on to say that men do not like yellowing teeth, so, women, make sure yours are pearly white and perfect or you won't get that guy. They also don't like any hair on the body, so be sure to get that fixed. That they don't like 'public grooming'. No, men like to believe that we are all effortlessly beautiful, so don't ruin the illusion and only do your make up at home. 

And on the subject of make up, don't use the wrong lip liner, don't wear too much mascara, shimmery eye shadow is a no-no and don't even think about heavy foundation.

Also no man likes too much fragrance, intricate hairstyles are only suitable for photoshoots and if you have dry skin, fix it because men find it unpleasant to touch. 

This article was like reading something out of the nineteenth century and it really riled me. Why should we care what men do and don't like about us? A woman's purpose is no longer purely to attract a man and please a man and look pretty on the arm of a man. 

And to insinuate that all men are so shallow as to care about any of the above is just as insulting to them as it is to us.

If you want to wear four coats of mascara, do it. If shimmery eye shadow makes you feel pretty, wear it. If it's winter and your legs are hidden under several layers of clothing and you just can't be bothered to shave, don't! It's your body. The only one who has any say in it is you. 

And actually, this post isn't just about feminism. It's about shaming. We live in a culture where everyone is put under a microscope for inspection. She's too thin, she's too curvy, he's too short, he's too geeky. It is somehow acceptable to laugh at the clothes someone has chosen to wear, clothes that they might love and now feel ashamed to be in. It's acceptable to tell someone they are unattractive because they have spots on their face- something they can't even control. That their nose is too crooked to be beautiful, that their hobbies are 'weird' just because it may not be considered 'the norm'.

That's wrong.

Beauty isn't defined by how someone looks and no one should have the right to make someone else feel bad about something they like or enjoy.

No woman or man should have to groom themselves in such a way as to please someone else. But if you want to, that's totally fine as well.

Equality means treating everyone the same, be it sex, gender, race, sexuality, nationality, financial circumstances. No one should be made to feel less.

We're all beautiful and those little things that make us different are what make us who we are. Never let anyone make you feel ashamed of that. The only person that matters is you and if binge watching Netflix on a Friday night makes you happier than going out dancing, make a hot chocolate, don your pyjamas and marathon the hell out of Gilmore Girls (this is definitely based on real experience.. definitely was doing that last night). 

I've veered slightly off topic, but really, it all comes down to the same thing. Feminism is something we should all be striving to understand and promote. Equality of the sexes is still a battle worth fighting for, but we shouldn't stop there. 

Equality needs to happen, period. 

And shaming needs to end, period.

You're giving something to the world that no one else can. No one is more important. Not even the Queen of England. I mean she's pretty badass, and a great example of a strong and powerful woman, but she's no more important than you are. Really. I could definitely take her in a box set marathon. I watched eight seasons of Supernatural in about a month. Thats a skill even she couldn't beat. 

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